Financial planning

Financial planning

A Domain Money client success story

Christina and Tom are like many couples. They worked hard, built careers, had a baby, saved money and kept thinking about buying a house.

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Financial planning

When's the best time to Refi?

Rates are at lows that I have never seen.

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Financial planning

The monthly credit card bill

For the last few years, I have noticed the creep of my client’s and my own credit card bill balances.

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Financial planning

What's better public or private schools?

The pandemic threw a wrench in education plans for countless families.

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Financial planning

US food inflation

Food tends to be one of the top three areas of spending for families after home and childcare. How much do you spend?

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Financial planning

Abundance vs. Scarcity money mindset

Most people develop their money mindset at a young age. We see what our parents do with money and what they say (or don’t say) about it.

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Financial planning

What do you want?

Thick desires are those that you can explain why you want them. Thin desires are those that you can’t easily explain.

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Financial planning

What should a woman ask for in a prenup?

Here’s what you should know about what a prenup is as well as what it does, how it functions, and how a prenup can impact your personal finances.

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Financial planning

Five steps to create a trust

How to Set Up a Trust: A Step-by-Step Guide.

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Financial planning

When is the best time to buy life insurance?

When should you start considering life insurance?

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Financial planning

What is a 529 plan?

Learn what a 529 plan is and how to create one.

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Financial planning

How much money should I have in my emergency fund?

Emergency funds are an essential part of your financial well-being.

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