Your home is more than just a place to live; it's a potential source of funds for major life events. Whether you're renovating, consolidating debt, or financing a big project, a home equity loan could be the answer. Use our calculator to estimate your potential loan amount and monthly payments.
Loan-to-value (LTV) ratio
This is the percentage of your home's value that you're borrowing. It's calculated by dividing the total loan amount (your desired new loan amount plus your existing mortgage balance) by your home's current value.
Estimated monthly payment amount
You may be eligible for a home equity loan!
Because you have an LTV of less than 80%, you could be approved for a home equity loan depending on your financial track record.
You should probably wait.
Lenders typically won't let you borrow more than 80% of your home equity.
This calculator assumes that lenders will not underwrite a home equity loan (HELO) if the post loan issuance loan to value (LTV) ratio will be higher than 80%. It uses a monthly payment calculation using the inputs provided and calculates the LTV by summing up the mortgage and HELO amount and dividing by the inputted home value.