See how Domain Money works
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Make smarter money moves
Domain Money’s Certified Financial Planners® (CFPs) get to know what matters most to you, analyze all aspects of your financial life, and create an action plan to reach each one of your goals. All for a flat fee. We do all the heavy lifting, so you can get back to enjoying your life.
Expert Advice, Tailored to You
Get access to 24/7 expert guidance, personalized to your unique situation.
Smart Tax Strategies
Take advantage of tax strategies designed to help you keep more of what you’ve earned.
Reach Your Goals Faster
Get an action plan mapped to each one of your goals that’s designed to help you reach them sooner.
Save Time, Gain Clarity
Get all of your questions answered. Our judgment-free approach turns complex topics into simple, clear advice.
Flat Fee, No Hidden Fees
Pay a flat fee for expert advice. There are no hidden fees and no asset under management (AUM) fees.
Boost Your Returns
Good financial advice can improve your returns by 3% per year*. We analyze your investment portfolio and give recommendations based on your goals.
All-in-one financial planning, made easy.
These testimonials are from current clients of Domain Money Advisors, LLC (Domain). No compensation (non-cash or otherwise) was provided in exchange for these testimonials. Domain does not have any material conflict of interest with the persons giving these testimonials
Step 1
Your dedicated CFP® gets to know you and your goals.
Step 2
We analyze every aspect of your financial life and build your custom financial model.
Step 3
We create a detailed financial plan and action items that align with your goals.
Step 4
Your dedicated CFP® is available 24/7 to answer questions, and help implement your plan.
Introducing a revolutionary new service
A white-label wealth management solution to handle excess client demand and smaller account clients.
Advisors with excess demand can now scale their business without adding headcount.
Increase revenue, not workload
Serve more clients and increase your revenue, without increasing your workload or headcount.
Your clients, your brand
Delivered entirely as a white label service. You always maintain ownership of your clients and brand.
More time to focus on growth
Dedicate more time and resources to growing your business, without constraints due to headcount.
Your Brand, Our Team
Our expert advisors become part of your team, serving clients on your behalf. Each one of our advisors has at least 10 years of experience as a financial advisor.
Understanding Client’s
Goals and Finances
Focusing on what matters most, digitally on-board clients to get a clear picture of their goals and priorities.
Clients securely upload their documents ensuring a complete picture of their financial life.
Highly Personalized Solutions
Utilizing our proprietary technology, we generate a highly personalized financial plan.
Each financial plan is prepared by one of our Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) professionals, focusing on the areas most important to the client.
Holistic Wealth Management
Clients get a financial plan and a wealth management solution, providing holistic client support.
We provide annual support, including investment management, plan updates and up to four advisor meetings per year.
Shareable views
Get real-time access to a client’s portal and shareable views to easily track progress.
Portfolio recommendations
Financial plans include investment recommendations tied to your firm’s custodial relationship.
All clients’ data is securely stored in our dedicated cloud infrastructure, utilizing two factor authentication.
All client information is maintained to ensure client privacy, and is used solely for the purpose of generating client plans.
Our fully outsourced wealth management solution empowers advisors to expand their business, while giving clients the highest quality wealth management solution, purpose built for mass affluent clients.
How are your financial plans prepared?
We use a combination of proprietary AI tools, as well as humans to parse, analyze and prepare our plans. Each plan is thoroughly reviewed by a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) professional for accuracy and completeness.
How many financial plans have you prepared?
We've generated over 1,000 financial plans for clients.
How do your plans differ from Right Capital, eMoney or MoneyGuide Pro?
Our plans are purpose built for mass affluent clients. Rather than 60 pages of analysis, our plans present clear actionable steps to clients, based on their unique goals and circumstances.
Who are your advisors?
Each of our advisors is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) with on average 10 years of experience. Our advisors have industry leading experience from firms such as Morgan Stanley, Citigroup and Fidelity.
How do you handle the compliance aspects of your offering?
We have a standard white-label partnership agreement, and offer language you can use to amend your ADV to adequately disclose the arrangement to your clients.
Do your advisors interact with my clients?
Our advisors are available to deliver wealth management solutions directly to your clients on your behalf.
What are the fees for this service?
We recommend advisors charge clients $3,500 annually for this service. Domain takes 60% of the annual revenue generated by these clients in exchange for serving them on your behalf.
What if I want to take over serving a client at some point in the future?
These clients are always owned by your firm. If you wish to take over serving a client that option is always available to your firm.
What quality assurance do you provide?
We offer a 100% satisfaction money back guarantee on all our financial plans.
These testimonials are from current clients of Domain Money Advisors, LLC (Domain). No compensation (non-cash or otherwise) was provided in exchange for these testimonials. Domain does not have any material conflict of interest with the persons giving these testimonials.